Thank you supporting the Department of Wyoming Veterans of Foreign Wars. Our Association is a nonprofit organization and your participation will help us to improve and expand our programs to serve the Veterans of Foreign Wars and build a better America.
Without your help, many veterans and their families would go without the services the VFW helps to provide. Some of which includes:
• Encouraging patriotism among today’s youth, through community programs and college scholarships.
• Providing comfort and assistance to our hospitalized veterans and their families in need.
• Serving as an advocate for disabled veterans or their survivors applying for state and federal benefits.
• Representing the interests of veterans in the halls of government.
• Honoring the flag and the sacrifice of brave men and women who die to keep it flying freely.
The men and women of our armed services, your Wyoming neighbors and friends, stood in the breech to protect our freedom and the privileges we all enjoy as Americans. Please show them you appreciate their sacrifice, by giving as much as you can spare.
Thank you for your support!